In Enough Is Enough, Soveya food plan, weight loss

new year's resolution

Frustrated with your New Year’s resolution yet? Already fallen off the wagon and back into the bag of potato chips? If so, you’re not alone. Losing weight is by far the most popular new year’s resolution – but also the most disappointing. More than 90% of people who commit to a diet relapse back to bad behaviors.

Hi, I’m Eli Glaser, Founder and Director of the Soveya Weight-Loss Solution.

I could run off a dozen of the most popular excuses, but the biggest problem is that we don’t know what the real problem is. The more we focus on just losing weight, the less weight we lose. The less we focus on losing weight, the more weight we lose.

Now that sounds strange coming from a nutritionist and weight-loss coach. But it’s true. Successful weight loss is not about shedding pounds. It’s not about ketosis, calculating calories, or counting points. It’s about changing yourself and your relationship with food. That’s the message and methodology I’ve used personally to maintain my 130-pound weight loss for the past 17 years. It is also the formula that seeds the success of the Soveya Solution, which has helped thousands of people around the world.

The Three-P Formula

I want to share with you now what I think are some very valuable insights to help you avoid the frustration of another failed attempt at dieting. Here’s how you can finally make a New Year’s resolution actually stick – so the fat can stop sticking to your body.

It’s called the Three-P Formula, and it consists of Planning, Precision, and Patience. Today, I’m going to talk about a plan, and my next two videos will cover precision and patience.

If you fail to plan, then you are planning to fail,” – Benjamin Franklin.

A plan of action with distinct directions, guidelines, and boundaries is critical to achieving any meaningful goal in life. This is all-the-more crucial when it comes to successful weight loss.

Misconception About Weight Loss

So why is it that so many diet programs paint pristine pictures of promise, but fail to color in the intricate details? Because there is a widely held misconception that we can somehow navigate to the finish line on our own. We’re bombarded with the hottest craze, latest theory, or newest discovery of a miraculous fat-burning plant from South America. But we are left to magically access our innate intuition and self-awareness to make the right decisions at the right times, and to conquer our cravings and appease our appetite.

This approach may indeed work for other areas of our life. Our instincts may be in fact be useful, and it’s often fun to be spontaneous and a little impulsive now and then.  But it’s not a formula for success when it comes to food – at least, not if we’re one of the millions of people perpetually plummeting up and down the dieting roller coaster.

Intuitive Eating Doesn’t Work

In short: Intuitive eating doesn’t work. Our intuition is broken when it comes to food. It’s not an asset, it’s a liability.

Now, does that make us bad people? Of course not. Just like there’s no personality defect or character flaw for those of us who are visually impaired and need to use corrective lenses in order to see straight. We’re ready, willing, and able to access an external resource to compensate for an internal deficiency – to repeatedly pick up a tool to correct our visual misalignment. They’re called glasses.

And so it is with eating. Our vision is always askew when it comes to food. That’s why our weight-loss journeys have invariably ended up in the ditch of dieting on the side of the road. What looked like smooth sailing and comfortable coasting quickly became a huge pothole, a dangerous detour that we failed to circumvent in time. Crash and burn – or in our case, crash and binge. Again and again.

Why You Need a Food Plan

That’s why a well-defined food plan – with crystal-clear guidelines, boundaries and directions, is crucial. It provides the proper prescription for us to see clearly in any situation, to steer thru the myriad of challenging food environments that have incessantly tripped us up in the past.

The food plan is the corrective lenses that allow us to successfully travel toward our weight-loss destination, avoiding the hazards and pitfalls that have littered our path up to this point.

So if you want to be resolute with your new year’s resolution, you’ve got to have a food plan.

That’s why, with the help of my web development team, we created a customized food plan interface. Now anyone can get their own customized plan right online. If you’re interested, click on the link to learn more about it.

It’s your personalized eating GPS. Don’t leave home with out it. You can watch my video here.


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